Gulmuradov T.G, Amonov Sh.Sh, *Prudkov M.I., Sangov D.S.


Department of Cardiovascular and Plastic Surgery of the State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”

*State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ural State Medical University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Aim. Improving results of surgical treatment of hepatic echinococcosis by applying minimally invasive technology.

Materials and methods. Under the supervision during the period 2002-2013 there were 149 patients with hepatic echino-coccosis. From them 52 were examined at the Department of Surgical Diseases advanced training faculty and postgraduate training. The remaining 97 patients — in endosurgical department of the Republican Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery in Dushanbe. Among them were men 63 (42,2%) and 86 women (57,8%). In 105 (70,4%) patients echinococcal cysts were located in the right liver lobe (18 — V; 24 — VI; 31 — VII; 28 — VIII), in the left lobe — 44 (29,6%) of 2 — I; 12 — II; 19 — III; 13 — IV segments. According to the size and scope of the cysts distinguish between: medium to 10 cm — 80 patients, large 20 cm — 46 patients and giant than 20 cm — 23 patients. The average size of cyst was 102,77±3,7mm (46-280 mm). From the 149 patients 42 patients underwent echinococcectomy of the traditional approaches, 40 patients underwent laparoscopic echinococcectomy when echinococcus cyst localized to visually accessible segments of the liver S III, IV, V, VI; 67 operations performed minilaparotomiya access using a set of tools "Mini-Assistant".

Methods of surgical treatment of echinococcal cysts of the liver involves surgical access, puncture and aspiration of the cyst contents, opening the cyst and the revision of its cavity, cyst processing by adsorbed 33% solution of hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) and the elimination of residual cavity (wide fenestration, in a number of cases a large portion of tamponade gland, external drainage with low vacuum aspiration).

Results. Postoperative complications were observed in 9 (21,4%) of 42 patients operated by conventional methods. Of the 107 patients operated using minimally invasive technology (mini-access and laparoscopically), complications were observed in 14 (13,1%) patients. Especially favorable postoperative course was after the intervention of the small incisions. Case of an expression enteroparesis and systemic were no complications.

Conclusion. Using minimally invasive techniques allow to improve results of surgical treatment of liver echinococcosis. Minimal trauma, high economic efficiency are the main advantages of these methods.

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