The allergy and immunological reactivity in highland places the patients who have eczema

The allergy and immunological reactivity in highland places the patients who have eczema

Khaydaralieva Sh., Kasymov O.

Quantivalent crossed sensitization in the majority of 31 examined highland eczema patients (men – 17, women – 14) at the age of 18-55 was revealed in the order of decrease to domestic, alimentary, epidermal, drug and pollen allergens. Immunological disorders were characterized by diminution of CD3-lymphocytes, increase of IgE by 1.9, IgG by 1.3 and of circulating immune complexes by 1.4, as well as by lessening of white cell’s phagocytic activity and of the phagocytic number. Immunological disturbances depend on the duration and severity of the disease.


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