Shamsidinov B.N., Mukhtarova P.R., Olimov T.K., *Gulmamadova G.B., Tagoimurodova S.F.
Department of otorhinolaryngology of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff
*National diagnostic center
Respiratory papillomatosis is a frequent pathology in childhood. According to reasearches by various authors there's noted role of eleventh and sixth types of papilloma virus. Papillomatosis clinic which caused by sixth type seeps easier than that clinical papillomatosis which caused by eleventh type. Depending on the extent of the process out as an isolated, limited and prevalent forms. The authors noted that the majority of patients found prevalent form of the disease. Main symptoms in the time of papillomatosis are changing of the voice and respiratory disturbance. These symptoms increase with the growth of papilloma. There's also noted the regularity that the younger the age of child at noted the regularity that the younger the age of the child at the time of papillomatosis, the heavier the disease, it often recurs, treatment served harder, respiratory disturbance increase faster. Respiratory affection appears at the beginning of the disease in the time of walking, fast running, and thereby child avoids fast movements, and it is straight indicant of operative intervention.
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