Thus, genital candidiasis taped nearly every fourth pregnant, and half of these infections are asymptomatic. Candidiasis is a token of trouble in the body, and specific treatment of anti-fungal drugs he requires a full survey and address the root causes of immunodeficiency. Among the causative agents of genital candidiasis is dominated by c. Albicans, which show the greatest sensitivity to nistatino. In a large percentage of cases of candidiasis is combined with a bacterial infection, so when treating candidiasis in pregnancy it is advisable to use a combination of drugs that include Nystatin. Considering that pregnancy is a major predispos¬ing factor for the development of kandidoznogo vulvowaginita, a special problem is the treatment for this condition. The main requirement in this case is the safety of the treatment. According to various authors, when pregnancy has not been established.
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