Requirements for Manuscripts
Information to authors
To publish an article in the journal “Herald of institute of postgraduate education in health sphere” necessary to adhere the following rules:
1.Article for publication should to print in standard font 14 at interval of 1.5 on one side of a standard sheet of A4 (210×297) .With margins of 3 cm in left, 1.5 cm in right. On typewritten page must be 29-30 lines (1800 symbols, including spaces). Articles are accepted in two copies. There must be an electronic version of the article.
2. At the beginning of the first page should be written the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC); surname and initials of the author and co-authors; title of the article entirely in capital letters; information about the institution including the chair, department or laboratory; city.
The article must be personally signed by the author and co-authorswith indication of full name, surname, patronymic, place of employment, position, academic degrees and titles. Contact information shall be indicated on one of the authors – fully surname, name, patronymic, phone, email. Reference is made to the absence of conflict of interest of the authors.
The recommended size of articles – 8 – 10 pages, description of separate observations – 5 pages, review of the literature – 15 pages (before the text should be a summary of the translation into English), information, letters to the editor and other materials – 3 pages.
3.The original research should have the following structure. Summary(100-250 words), which in the short form indicate: the purpose of the research, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion or conclusions.It should have key words (3-10 words) for indexing articles in information retrieval systems. For review articles in the summary indicates the relevance, summary articles and keywords (100-250 words).The resume should have a translation into English. Followed by: an introduction (it should be brief and guide the reader in relation to the objective research of a problem, its relevance and objectives of the study); materials and methods of research (provides quantitative and qualitative characteristics of surveyed, research methods and methods of processing of statistical data); study results (presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables, figures)
4. In the presence of the co-authors indicated no conflict of interest between them.
5.The material should be in SI units. The article should be carefully verified by the author: quotes, formulas, tables, dose, signed by the authors in the fields. In a footnote indicate the source of the citation (author, title, publication year, volume, number, pages).
6.To the article should make only necessary to clarify the text figures which should not repeat material tables. Figure captions are given at the bottom of the figure, close to the serial number.Photographs (black and white or color), submitted on glossy paper, should be sharp, size 9×12 cm, figures should be clear. Photocopies with radiographs give in a positive image.Tables must contain compressed and necessary data. All figures, results and percentages should be consistent with the text. Photos of tables are not accepted.
7. References should be in alphabetical order (at first native then foreign authors) according to GOST R 7.0.5.- 2008. Also need to have transliteration by the requirements of international databases and information and reference guide (subject to citation indexes). In the text makes reference to the serial number in square brackets.
References to unpublished works are not allowed.
Number of sources for the review no more than 50.
8.Direction to the editor works that are sent to other publications or printed in them are not permitted.
9. Edition have the right to reduce or refereeing at the negative reviews given a written argumentative refusal.
10.Article that do not correspond to indicated rules, will be returned to the authors without review for publication.
11.Authors of articles for the publication of manuscripts do not pay.