Bakhromi M.T.

The department of Cardiology with the course of clinical pharmacology TIPGPMP

The article presents results of studies on the action of a solution trionini on the cardiovas­cular system. Work is based on the experiment on animals: 20 white rats weighing 200-220 g, cats weight from 3 to 4 kg under uretan anesthesia. Impact trionini on blood pressure were also studied in healthy intact rabbits and rabbits with experimental caused by atherosclerosis. There were 86 series of experiments conducted more than 150 biochemical, 25 haematological analy­ses, prepared 40 drugs from the internal organs of the experimental and control series animals. Heart rate became less 20-22%, the amplitude of the pulse wave increased respiratory activity remained unchanged. There has been little increase of pulse wave and slowing the pace of car­diac function at 8-10%. In rabbits with atherosclerosis latent phase actions trionini reached 26 seconds, in healthy animals, it was 3-5 sec., that can be associated with morphological changes in the aorta, as well as changes in the General reactivity of the cardiovascular system. The results obtained allow to note that the developed solution trionini whose performance is not inferior to the well-known drugs.


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Information about the authors:

Bahromi Munavvara Tohirjanovna — the

assistance of department of cardiology with course of clinic pharmacology, cn. med. sci.; work phone: (992 37) 2364042, mobile phone: (992) 915059900; e-mail:


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