Influences of age on expressed and frequency of separate components of metabolic syndrome at the patients with podagra

Influences of age on expressed and frequency of separate components of metabolic syndrome at the patients with podagra

Abduloev H.J., Sunatulloev D.S.

Age dimorphism hypertriglyceridemia at the patients with podagra proved to be true also by presence of return correlation relation between a level of whey triglyceridemias and age on the moment of inspection. The frequency of revealing of the increased meaning of AP, on the contrary, has increased with age. It proved to be true also by presence of direct correlation dependence between age and absolute meanings systolic and diastolic of AP. Naturally, that the duration of disease was progressively increased with age of the surveyed patients. Nevertheless, the patients were younger, the in earlier age debuted podagra.


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