Narzullaeva A.R., Rakhimov Z.Y., Muradov A.M., Rofieva H.Sh.

Department of Cardiology with the course of clinical pharmacology of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff

The review describes the questions of influence of sex hormones on the cardiovascular system. Data provided nu­merous studies show a veracious cardioprotective effect of female sex hormones, which manifests itself in pronounced vasodilatory, anti-atherogenic, and antiagregatine anticoagulant action aimed at preventing the pathological changes in the cardiovascular system.


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2. Velizhanina E. S., Gapon L. I., Velizhanina I. A. Features of the course of arterial hypertension in period of menopause.

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5. Gurevich M. A., Arkhipova L. V. Peculiarities of clin­ical course and treatment of ischemic heart disease in women.

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6. Dotsenko Yu. V., Lupanov V. P., Lipman A. D. An­giotensin receptor blockers II (ATI subtype) in the treatment of arterial hypertension in menopausal of women.

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7. Doskina E. V. Pathophysiological therapy menopaus-al age women with metabolic syndrome.

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9. Kovalenko L. V., Belotserkovtseva L. D., Korneeva E. V. Pathogenetic substantiation of therapy for metabolic disorders in women on estrogen deficiency.

Attending doctor, 2011, no. 7, pp. 56-60.

10. Manukhin I. B., Taktarov V. G., Shmeleva S. V. Zdorove zhenshchiny vklimakterii. Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey [Health of the woman in climacteric. Manual for Physicians]. Moscow, Litterra Publ., 2010. 21-44 p.

11. Podzolkov V. I. Osadchiy K. K. Treatment of hyper­tension in menopausal metabolic syndrome: whether there was a place for P-adrenergic blockers?

Consilium medicum, 2008, no. 11, pp. 5-11.

12. Ratsionalnaya farmakoterapiya v akusherstve, gine-kologii i neonatologii. pod red. G.T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serova [Rational pharmacotherapy in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology. Under the editorship G.T. Sukhikh, V. N. Serov]. Moscow, Litterra Publ., 2010. Vol. 2, 736 p.

13. Smetnik, V. P., Kulakova, V. I. Rukovodstvo po kli-makteriyu [Manual for Menopause]. 2007. 14-15 p.

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15. Tarasova M.A., Effect of substitution therapy 17 P-estradiol combined with drospirenone on the dynamics of blood pressure, endothelium-dependent vasodilation and endothelium in postmenopausal women.

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16. Ustinova S. E., Yarnykh E. V., Masenko V. P., Arabidze G. G. Features of the functional state of the dopa-minergic system among women with arterial hypertension menopause.

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17. Chazova I. E. Conduction women with cardiovascular risk in the perimenopausal and postmenopausal: consensus of Russian cardiologists and gynecologists.

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19. Collins R Rosano G, Casey C., Conduction women with cardiovascular risk in perimenopause: consensus of European cardiologists and gynecologists.

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20. Grodstein F., Manson J.E., Stampfer J., Rexrode K. Postmenopausal hormone therapy and stroke. The role of time since menopause and age of initiation of hormone therapy.

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