Ekological unusual use herbae Origanum qualitative detoxikacion and regined means

Ekological unusual use herbae Origanum qualitative detoxikacion and regined means

Zubaydova T.M.,  Nuraliev Yu. N., Ghaniev Kh.A.

The herbae Origanum as classical underefined means with the theory of Avicena increase the function of all excreate systems (bowels, kidneys, respiratory, disease, clemni and   sebctons qlands).

Refiring  watery  medium of organism (biood composition, limps, urine and the  watery bilious) tissue  consider the tactical hersion-tajik medicine.

The preparion used with those purpose  ibn Cino  called retiring means, whose low to assist  dusting wish toksical thing from organism, between sebseous and clammy glands, conaider wide apply Origanum as detoxical resources.


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